
Armored Gallantry Novus Imperium


Общо членове 90
Average Efficiency
Average WN8
Provinces total 0
Total income
Visit clan page
Clans ranking
Average WN8 320
Total income -
Provinces total -
We are more than just a clan. We are a close knit family of players who are here to have fun.
Join us if you are serious about having fun and winning while at it :P

Clan Wars Time Bracket: 7:15 PM to 9:30 PM (Indian Standard Time)

Stable, clear TeamSpeak communication - English required

TS ID : agn1.clants.net

Message SINNET , Steelcoat , Maxshaan to be added to the clan WhatsApp group.
Clan stronghold
Ниво 10
Number of Zones 4
Buildings count 8
Average buildings level 9.38


No relationships

Add relationship | Relationships from other clans

X tier vehicles

163 125 128 25 14
Detailed list of vehicles

Recent transfers

10.03.2024 Shahrukh_Hussain
05.02.2024 olo7
03.02.2024 olo7
07.09.2023 HonorFighter
22.08.2023 charmerr
14.08.2023 Dscotrk
09.08.2023 KoreanWarrior
02.06.2023 Shoeb_Prince
23.03.2022 DarkGamingBolt_YT
15.03.2022 Ub3rPrO

Important moments

Глобална карта

Всички VI VIII X
Битки 880 445 292 143
Win rate 54.55% 60.67% 47.6% 49.65%
Elo 1113 967 973
No provinces
Battle schedule
No battles planned


# Играч Efficiency WN8 Win Rate
691 808 46.34%
752 723 45.75%
1 152 1 602 50.73%
932 1 065 49.5%
706 598 48.29%
933 1 005 47.56%
747 725 46.68%
737 891 50.44%
681 935 55.44%
976 1 017 48.85%
1 096 1 254 49.92%
495 399 46.85%
1 223 1 944 57.83%
969 1 025 48.93%
1 272 1 821 53.37%
962 1 266 50.18%
952 1 246 49.34%
987 1 233 51.31%
953 1 076 48.27%
1 029 1 337 50.47%
866 866 45.72%
656 479 46.7%
858 782 48.49%
1 018 1 508 51.17%
670 775 46.26%
450 199 45.32%
446 302 46.78%
661 463 46.25%
969 1 294 50%
361 105 50.98%
1 294 2 011 54.18%
601 479 46.61%
980 1 122 48.17%
702 829 49.68%
1 042 1 583 52.33%
1 085 1 362 50.48%
928 1 026 49.67%
704 552 47.44%
1 149 1 829 53.43%
534 410 47.15%
1 031 1 310 50%
518 187 46.9%
842 1 035 49.49%
895 1 048 47.51%
1 087 1 314 49.23%
896 1 138 48.11%
673 678 46.34%
776 1 147 49.99%
598 356 51.61%
460 138 46.21%
695 760 48.58%
566 360 45.31%
727 935 48.88%
866 1 323 49.87%
822 728 47.42%
676 727 46.33%
765 766 46.63%
547 445 46.57%
538 170 48.88%
1 262 1 864 53.96%
1 140 1 644 51.88%
891 1 154 50.25%
755 733 47.05%
1 139 1 657 50.67%
783 834 47.83%
1 180 1 794 53.08%
315 76 47.94%
874 1 077 48.11%
612 389 44.11%
877 809 47.14%
645 598 45.88%
900 1 076 49.03%
1 092 1 407 50.11%
888 1 125 48.55%


Full charts

Average WN8

Общо членове

Total income

Provinces total

X tier vehicles